Treasurer's Office
Ashley Johnson, Sparta Township Treasurer
Welcome to the Sparta Township Treasurers Office.
The Sparta Township Treasurer has several statutory duties and various other responsibilities including:
Collects real and personal property taxes.
Keeps an account of township receipts and expenditures.
Deposits township revenues and invest township funds.
Issues township checks
Arpa Grant reporting
Collects mobile home tax
Website Maintenance
Assist in budget review
Cemetery Management
Treasurers' Office Hours are, Monday -Thursday 8:00-5:00 or by appointment.
If you have any questions, please telephone the Township Treasurer or Assessor at 616-887-8863.
Send an Email:
Ashley Johnson, Township Treasurer
Shalena Woody, Deputy Treasurer
Sparta Township Tax Bills
Summer Tax Bills:
Mailed July 1. Payment is due September 14.
Winter Tax Bills:
Mailed December 1. Payment is due February 14.
Please pay by check, money order or exact cash; we cannot take card payments at this time. Pay by mail, in person or use the drop box by our front door. Postmarks are not accepted; payment must be received by the due date.
For information about millages and the calculation of tax amounts, see the “Property Tax Information” page at the link below. Thank you.
Visit Online:
Property Tax Information Page
Sparta Township Properties Public Records
Please check the link below to visit the BS&A website, where you can view public records showing property tax and assessments on Sparta Township properties.
Property information, including parcel maps, is also available on Kent County's website,
Visit Online:
Sparta Township Properties Public Records
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Sparta Township, Michigan
160 E. Division Street
Sparta, Michigan 49345
Phone: (616) 887-8863
Emergency: Phone 911
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
or by appointment.
(Closed most Fridays,
Weekends, Holidays)