Property Tax Information
Here find information about Sparta Township property taxes.
You may also visit our Assessing page.
Assessed Value and Your Property Taxes
Assessed Value: This value is half of the fair market value of your property.
This value changes each year based on the expected sale price of your property as determined by the assessor. The assessor studies groups of actual sales in neighborhoods, taking into consideration the description of your property (land value, building age and size, etc.), sales studies from Kent County, and State of Michigan guidelines.
In February of each year, property owners receive a "Notice of Assessment", which states the new Taxable and Assessed Values for that year. Review this notice! If you don't understand or you disagree, please call the assessor. You may also schedule an appointment at the March hearings of the Board of Review. At the hearing, the three community members who serve on this Board will listen to your evidence about your property value, and they may change the assessor’s valuation.
Taxable Value: This value is used to calculate your tax bill.
This value increases each year by the inflation rate (as determined by the State Tax Commission), but not more than 5% and not higher than the Assessed Value. The value of new construction is also added. If a property is transferred to a new owner, the Taxable Value is ‘uncapped’ – made equal to the Assessed Value.
Sparta Township Properties Public Records
Please check the link below to visit the BS&A website, where you can view public records showing property tax and assessments on Sparta Township properties.
Visit Online:
Sparta Township Property Records
Calculating Your Taxes
Your tax bill is calculated by multiplying the Taxable Value (divided by 1000) and the millage rates, plus a 1% administration fee.
2024 Millage Rates, Sparta Township totals (about 75% on summer bill and 25% on winter bill):
Sparta School District without Principal Residence Exemption: 46.9586*
Sparta School District with Principal Residence Exemption: 28.9586*
Kent City School District without Principal Residence Exemption: 47.754*
Kent City School District with Principal Residence Exemption: 30.0282*
*Includes millages for:
• Sparta Township: (general operating 0.9494, fire department 0.4722, library 0.2405 = 1.6621)
• Kent County: (general operating 4.0987, senior citizens 0.4961, jails 0.7487, veterans 0.0496, zoo/museum 0.4173, childhood development 0.239 = 6.0494)
• GR Community College: (1.6951)
• Kent Intermediate School District: (5.402)
• State school fund: (6.0)
• Local schools: (Sparta 8.1500 or Kent City 9.2196)
• School operating – non-P.R.E. only: (Sparta 18.0000 or Kent City 17.7258)
For property in the Village of Sparta: 12.0000 (on a separate bill in the summer, in addition to the Township bills)
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Sparta Township, Michigan
160 E. Division Street
Sparta, Michigan 49345
Phone: (616) 887-8863
Emergency: Phone 911
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
or by appointment.
(Closed most Fridays,
Weekends, Holidays)